Tuesday, July 21, 2009

xinjiang riots

july 9, a day going to be remembered by many.especialy in urumqi.racial riots broke out between the muslim uighurs and the chinese han.156 people were killed during the clash.and thousands were injured.blame has been handed over to the leader of uighur for instigating the violence.this situation must be handed carefully.and equality must be showed to calm the angry ones.i think the goverments are to blame.as a fight would not have happened if the goverments had worked earlier on and come up with the solution.and i will not blame the muslims, becaus ethey had no choice but to go with violence to attract attention.

Monday, July 20, 2009

my book review on toto-chan

the story starts off with Totto-chan's mother coming to know of her daughter's expulsion from public school.toto-chan was a cute yet mischievous girl. toto-chan mom realizes that what Totto-chan needs is a school where more freedom of expression which will be allowed. Thus, she takes Totto-chan to meet the headmaster of the new school, Mr. Kobayashi. From that moment a friendship is formed between master and toto-chan.The book goes on to describe the times that Totto-chan has, the friends she makes, the lessons she learns, and the vibrant atmosphere that she gets. All of these are presented to my eyes through the eyes of a child. Thus i see how the normal world is transformed into a beautiful, exciting place full of joy and enthusiasm.i also see in their role as adults, how Mr. Kobayashi introduces new activities to interest the pupils. One sees in Mr. Kobayashi a man who understands children and strives to develop their qualities of mind, body and heart. His concern for the physically handicapped and his emphasis on the equality of all children are remarkable. In the school, the children lead happy lives, unaware of the things going on in the world. World War 2 has started, yet in this school, no signs of it are seen. But one day, the school is bombed, and was never rebuilt, even though the headmaster claimed that he looked forward to building an even better school the next time round. It was never done and this ends Totto-chan's years as a pupil at Tomoe Gakuen

Saturday, July 11, 2009

singapore is a globally recognised nation. thousands of tourist visit our nation daily.if we are to talk singlish infront of them, it is going to give them a wrong impression about us.thus it is going to decrease the amount of tourist visiting our country.singapore economy mainly depend on tourist and singapore manpower.if tourist are not going to visit us, singapore will have difficulty making money. if our goverment do not make money,means we do not get good fascilities.so the conclusion is, whatever action we take, is going to affect us.if we also use singlish,it is also going to reduce our knowledge on english. andby this, it will affect our future.so,help build a singlish free nation by saying out loud"NO TO SINGLISH"

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Are singaporeans gracious and socially responsible?discuss

I think singaporeans are not socially responsible or gracious.this is because, the newly introduced virus called the 'H1N1' has reached 1055 people in singapore.mind you it is a so called 'new' virus and yet it was able to reach 1055 people in a short period.till then what were we doing?what measures was the goverment taking?it all started with 3 people.singapore goverment manage the situation by a daily tempreture check and quarintine the affected ones. the goverment are doing their jobs well.but where are our parts?as singaporeans we are responsible for allowing the virus spread easily.we should instead be more cautious when we are sick. we should be responsible for our surrounding.but we did not do that.instead,even though we were sick, we loiter around and spread the virus.did we ever think of the inocent souls that are being affected by us.we could avoid this by taking easy measures such, when we are sick, we could visit doctor and rest at home.such steps could prevent the virus from spreading.as singaporeans we should be gracious.we should think before we act.if we had done our part well, the virus would not have spread so fast.thus i think singaporeans are not gracious and socially responsible.