Monday, September 21, 2009

do you think we have a right to criticise others poor grasp of the english language? what can we do to help them?

we, singaporeans are famous for using the 'lah' language.we ourself are in wrong.then why on earth criticise others?we, firstly have to use good english if we want to criticise others.recently many news has popped out about the standard of english being used in singapore.and i think singapore english is horrible.we have to put a full stop for the 'lahs'.it is going to affect our future and our future generation.if we are going to continue this than we should noy criticise others.we can avoid using singlish by talking daily to our friends in good english.and avoid using singlish.this will help us reduce the amount of singlish we use.and we also can read more books to improve our english.let english be the national language of singapore.outdoor salesman or women must past a basic test to open a thaqt they don't use broken english.and the ones hewaring don't use that language in the future.and we also can teach our future generation the right from this they will learn the right is up to us to change singapore future.and we are responsible for our future and for our future ones.

Monday, August 31, 2009

book review

the story plot:

As Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters commit crimes in both the magical and Muggle worlds, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge is replaced by Rufus Scrimgeour. Professor Snape, appearing to have rejoined the Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort, is visited by Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange. A terrified Narcissa tells Snape that her son, Draco, has received orders from Lord Voldemort, and asks Snape to make an Unbreakable Vow to protect her son and complete the task for him should he fail.
Harry Potter accompanies Albus Dumbledore on a trip to persuade retired Hogwarts professor Horace Slughorn to return to teaching. Harry notices one of Dumbledore's hands is withered and burnt black, and he is wearing a ring with a distinctively-marked stone. Harry spends the remaining holiday at The Burrow with the Weasleys and Hermione, where they receive their O.W.L. results. Harry and Ron must take N.E.W.T. level Potions to become Aurors, but their O.W.L.s in the subject are too low to enrol in Snape's Potions class.
At Hogwarts, Snape is named the new
Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor, with Slughorn becoming the Potions teacher. Slughorn's requirements are lower than Snape's, so Harry and Ron are able to enrol in his class, but do not have textbooks. Slughorn loans them copies; Harry's book has notes and corrections that yield better results than the textbook's instructions, winning him a vial of Felix Felicis, a potion that infuses luck, on his first day in class. His book is inscribed as having previously belonged to the "Half-Blood Prince".
Ron's brother,
Bill Weasley, is engaged to Fleur Delacour, of whom his mother disapproves. Auror Nymphadora Tonks makes comments suggesting she may harbour feelings for her now-slain cousin Sirius Black. However, it is eventually revealed that she has fallen for Remus Lupin, and, despite his protests that he is unworthy of her, they marry over the summer.
Ron and Ginny join the Gryffindor
Quidditch team, which Harry now captains, as Keeper and Chaser respectively. This puts Harry in frequent contact with Ginny, who for a long time harbored an attraction to him. Now, however, she is dating Dean Thomas— unexpectedly making Harry jealous. This is exacerbated when Dean also gains membership on the team, replacing original member Katie Bell who is almost killed while attempting to deliver a cursed necklace under the influence of the Imperius Curse. Ron is displeased with his younger sister dating anybody, forcing Harry to ignore his attraction. After an argument with Ginny in which Ron's dating inexperience is made clear, Ron takes up with Lavender Brown, creating a divide between him and Hermione. This rift is only mended when he accidentally consumes a love potion attracting him to Romilda Vane, and then poisoned mead which almost kills him.
Dumbledore privately tutors Harry, using his
Pensieve to show Harry memories of Voldemort's past. Dumbledore asks Harry to retrieve a key memory from Slughorn regarding Slughorn's conversation with a sixteen-year-old Tom Riddle. Harry uses his vial of Felix Felicis to acquire the memory.
The memories reveal that Voldemort splintered his
soul into six fragments attached to objects called Horcruxes, while leaving a seventh piece in his body, in order to achieve immortality. As long as any of the Horcruxes exists Voldemort cannot be killed. Two Horcruxes have been destroyed - Tom Riddle's diary by Harry in the Chamber of Secrets[HP2], and Marvolo Gaunt's ring by Dumbledore. Three of the remaining Horcruxes are a locket formerly owned by Salazar Slytherin, a cup formerly owned by Helga Hufflepuff, and the snake Nagini. Dumbledore speculates that the sixth unidentified Horcrux may be something associated with Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, as Riddle would have wanted something from each of the houses of Hogwarts, which he regarded as his home.
After seeing Harry cast an unusual curse, "Sectumsempra" (a dark curse which leaves deep gashes) against Draco Malfoy, Snape attempts to confiscate the Half-Blood Prince's Potions book, but Harry gives him Ron's copy instead and hides his copy in the
Room of Requirement. Harry gets detention from Snape and misses the Quidditch finals, but Gryffindor wins the Cup. During the victory celebration Harry spontaneously kisses Ginny, and with Ron's grudging approval they begin dating.
Dumbledore locates another Horcrux and asks Harry to accompany him to destroy it. They travel to a cave to retrieve
a locket. Dumbledore is weakened after drinking a potion to obtain the Horcrux. Harry retrieves the Horcrux and guides Dumbledore to safety in Hogsmeade, but as they arrive they see the Dark Mark over the Astronomy Tower at Hogwarts and hurry back to the school.
Dumbledore and an
invisible Harry are confronted atop the tower by Draco Malfoy, and before Harry can reveal himself, Dumbledore immobilises Harry before Malfoy disarms him. Draco admits that he was behind two attacks on Hogwarts students (Katie Bell's cursing and Ron's poisoning), with both objects intended for Dumbledore, whom Voldemort had ordered Draco to kill. Dumbledore offers Draco protection from the Death Eaters, and Draco cannot bring himself to kill Dumbledore, even with the urging of fellow Death Eaters once they arrive. Instead, fulfilling his Unbreakable Vow, Snape kills Dumbledore. Harry, enraged and freed from immobility by Dumbledore's death, pursues Snape, who reveals that he is the Half-Blood Prince and fends off Harry's attacks until he gets outside Hogwarts grounds and Disapparates.
Harry recovers the locket from Dumbledore's body, only to discover it is a fake left by someone with the initials
R. A. B., who stole the real Horcrux and left a note about his opposition to Voldemort. The school year ends with Dumbledore's funeral. He and his wand are buried in a tomb beside the lake on Hogwarts's grounds. Harry vows not to return to school but to hunt for the remaining Horcruxes instead. Harry breaks up with Ginny to keep her safe from danger during his quest, and Ron and Hermione pledge to accompany him.

my favourite character:

my favourite character is dumbledore. he is the one who has peservered together with harry. he was a inspiration to harry and me.

why i choose this story?

i choose this story because of its thrilling is very interesting and i like how j.k. rowling came up with such a wonderfull story.

i have learnt from this story about hardship. and how to handle it.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

'what does it mean to be a singaporean'

what does being a singaporean mean in general.

being a singaporean is simply following the rules and regulations of is important to follow the rules and regulation of we are the ones responsible for doings.and being a singaporeans is singing our natonal anthem proudly and taking our pledge is also important for us to lead by example to juniors by following out whatever we say during our pledge.

what does being a singaporean mean to me.

firstly, i am proud being a means more than the world to me. bacause god has granted singaporean all facillities to keep us safe and comfortable.god has given us peace and security. i will treasure yhis and use full use of it.

what has singapore done for me.

singapore has done alot for me.firstly education. it has helped me in education,like the fascilities provided to me. it has given me a comfortable enviroment to study.secondly, sports.sports is my interest.they are many fascilities located lust at our doorstep.and thirdly,peace and security.singapore are a peace and secured nation.we have polices to keep us safe.and also the peace conserved without any racial riots.

what can i do for singapore.

i can play my part as a singaporean by not littering.i also can play my part as a singaporean by attending yhe national service.and protect singapore.

if given the opportunity,would i leave the singapore shore for another country.why or why not.

i will.this is because singapore is too small.and if any countries are affected in economy terms, singapore will be affected.and many will be risk their jobs to retrenchment.while other countries have others to depend on other choices rather than singapore.sadly but truthfully i have plans for the future to pursue my career in a foreign country.

Monday, August 17, 2009


what is euthanasia?
refers to the practice of ending a life in a painless manner. Many different forms of euthanasia can be distinguished, including animal euthanasia and human euthanasia, and within the latter, voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide have been the focus of great controversy in recent years.

do i agree with the euthanasia?
i disagree with euthanasia, because no one has the right s to take another life whithout their permission.this is not respectin them.even if they are in coma and has only 5% of living chances. we have to give the 5% a priority.because only god knows if only the person if to survivie or not.

is euthanasia practised in singapore and must it be prtactised or not? why?
euthanasia is not practised in singapore. and hopefully singapore will never practise is taking over ones rights.and also very sad as it is cruel when a person dies without the person even is also a sin.i wish singapore never practise euthanasia.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

xinjiang riots

july 9, a day going to be remembered by many.especialy in urumqi.racial riots broke out between the muslim uighurs and the chinese han.156 people were killed during the clash.and thousands were injured.blame has been handed over to the leader of uighur for instigating the violence.this situation must be handed carefully.and equality must be showed to calm the angry ones.i think the goverments are to a fight would not have happened if the goverments had worked earlier on and come up with the solution.and i will not blame the muslims, becaus ethey had no choice but to go with violence to attract attention.

Monday, July 20, 2009

my book review on toto-chan

the story starts off with Totto-chan's mother coming to know of her daughter's expulsion from public school.toto-chan was a cute yet mischievous girl. toto-chan mom realizes that what Totto-chan needs is a school where more freedom of expression which will be allowed. Thus, she takes Totto-chan to meet the headmaster of the new school, Mr. Kobayashi. From that moment a friendship is formed between master and toto-chan.The book goes on to describe the times that Totto-chan has, the friends she makes, the lessons she learns, and the vibrant atmosphere that she gets. All of these are presented to my eyes through the eyes of a child. Thus i see how the normal world is transformed into a beautiful, exciting place full of joy and enthusiasm.i also see in their role as adults, how Mr. Kobayashi introduces new activities to interest the pupils. One sees in Mr. Kobayashi a man who understands children and strives to develop their qualities of mind, body and heart. His concern for the physically handicapped and his emphasis on the equality of all children are remarkable. In the school, the children lead happy lives, unaware of the things going on in the world. World War 2 has started, yet in this school, no signs of it are seen. But one day, the school is bombed, and was never rebuilt, even though the headmaster claimed that he looked forward to building an even better school the next time round. It was never done and this ends Totto-chan's years as a pupil at Tomoe Gakuen

Saturday, July 11, 2009

singapore is a globally recognised nation. thousands of tourist visit our nation daily.if we are to talk singlish infront of them, it is going to give them a wrong impression about us.thus it is going to decrease the amount of tourist visiting our country.singapore economy mainly depend on tourist and singapore manpower.if tourist are not going to visit us, singapore will have difficulty making money. if our goverment do not make money,means we do not get good the conclusion is, whatever action we take, is going to affect us.if we also use singlish,it is also going to reduce our knowledge on english. andby this, it will affect our,help build a singlish free nation by saying out loud"NO TO SINGLISH"

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Are singaporeans gracious and socially responsible?discuss

I think singaporeans are not socially responsible or gracious.this is because, the newly introduced virus called the 'H1N1' has reached 1055 people in singapore.mind you it is a so called 'new' virus and yet it was able to reach 1055 people in a short period.till then what were we doing?what measures was the goverment taking?it all started with 3 people.singapore goverment manage the situation by a daily tempreture check and quarintine the affected ones. the goverment are doing their jobs well.but where are our parts?as singaporeans we are responsible for allowing the virus spread easily.we should instead be more cautious when we are sick. we should be responsible for our surrounding.but we did not do that.instead,even though we were sick, we loiter around and spread the virus.did we ever think of the inocent souls that are being affected by us.we could avoid this by taking easy measures such, when we are sick, we could visit doctor and rest at home.such steps could prevent the virus from singaporeans we should be gracious.we should think before we act.if we had done our part well, the virus would not have spread so fast.thus i think singaporeans are not gracious and socially responsible.